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August, 2009:

A picnic table for the kids

A random neighbor stopped by the other day.   When we decided to move to the burbs, we should have focused on neighborhoods with young couples and kids, but instead we ended up in an area with mostly older couples.  This guy, however, had a couple of elementary school age girls.  We invited them over for a party or two before but they never came. 

So he stopped by the other day and asked if I had any use for a picnic table for the kids.   Sure.  I can’t pass up a free-bee.  But then he preceded to tell me the reason for him offering it to us.  He recently got divorced…oh yeah, that’s exactly the news that I want to hear about.  Why couldn’t he just say here’s a picnic table for you.  No, he had to throw his issues on my table too…because it must appear that I have room on my table for someone else’s grief!?

It’s almost Bears season

PA190630It’s almost season, in fact the first preseason game is on as I type, and I don’t want it to start.  It’s been a constant part of our lives for the past three years. 

We missed maybe a few games because the weather was just way too cold, but we still made it to at least a couple of those frigid ones.  Like that GB game where the snow was going in all directions at the same time.  I think Favre said it was the coldest game he ever played in.  The beer was freezing before we made it back to the seats.   Or that other game, not sure who they played (it was too cold to remember anyways), when it was so windy we just sat in the car most of tailgating.  We were wearing gym shoes and the wind went right through them.  We tried to cook on the grill.  We had to tilt the table on its side just to block the wind.  Then the wind blew over the table and then the grill … so that was about it for tailgating that day.


I definitely took advantage of the pregnancies.  Last year and two years prior we were expecting at just about the same time.  She didn’t care all that much that she couldn’t drink.  She still had a blast.  She could do that sort of thing.  Of course the season she wasn’t pregnant we had to draw straws to see who would drive, but it was usually my responsibility because she was dd when she was pregnant.  This was supposed to be her year again.


And then there was the super bowl and playoff games leading up to it.  The NO game was and may always be the most incredible game I’ve ever been too.  I think that was also the game of the chili incident.  I started cooking chili for the games.  It was oh so good.  We were packing up the car and the chili got in there before everything else was packed up.  I tried lifting something to put more in and there went the chili and entire crock pot…all over the ground, broken into a hundred pieces and chili everywhere.  And then the super bowl.  It was my fear that I would not take the job and the bears would go to the super bowl.  Fortunately I took the job and even more fortunately they actually went.  It was a big debate.  We’re 8+ months pregnant and we are faced with the option of going or skipping it.  What if they win?  This pregnancy was the only thing in our way.  She definitely wasn’t going to let me go without her so the only real option was…she’s going to go too.  Flying wasn’t an option because she’d probably go into labor so we rented an RV.  I mapped out all the hospitals along the way and each time we passed one we marked it down for the ride back.  There were even vegas odds that someone would go into labor at the game.  And some women, less pregnant than us, actually marketed her belly to some company and made $$ off of it there.  Nevertheless, we made the trip and it was a great time (even tho they lost and it rained the entire game).  Two days after we came home, E was born.


It’s so hard to even think and write these words.  It’s season soon and she’s not here to share this with.  Who am I going to be able to share all this with.  That sharing thing.  That’s one of the most difficult to swallow.  She was my best friend.  No one else mattered like she did.  She was my life, my everything.  It’s so difficult to do these things without her.


Cha Cha Cha

We were teaching E to sing happy birthday around the time of Grandma C’s b-day.  Cari’s version would go something like this.

Happy birthday to you, cha-cha-cha
Happy birthday to you, cha-cha-cha

E added cha-cha-cha to her version almost immediately.  Almost to the point where we couldn’t get her to sing it without cha-cha-cha in there.  Today and a number of times over the past week or so she sang it just like Cari sang it.


I don’t think it’s strength that keeps me going.  I read the posts of another lady who’s going through similar b.s. and someone recently commented on her post and said something about how strong she is.  I’ve been told the same.  It doesn’t feel like strength.  It feels like I’m on the verge of breaking down at any given moment.  It’s like a thin line between functioning and becoming a complete mess.  So strength?  I don’t know, I just try to get through the day.  I’m sure she does the same thing.  The kids depend on me.  She has kids too and their almost as young.  I can’t just give up because they depend some much on me.  If we give up on ourselves, we’re giving up on them to.  And that’s absolutely impossible to do.  I don’t know how I’d be able to get through this without them.  I know for sure that I wouldn’t be as exhausted.  I’d probably be spending more time at the bar … not like I spend time at the bar nowadays anyways but if I did I would definitely be spending more if I didn’t have my kiddies.

So again, strength?  It sounds like a polite way to describe it.  But I don’t think it’s accurate.  What’s a more fitting term?  Maybe we just get through the day because the level of exhaustion, both emotionally and physically, is beyond comprehension.

Going for a ride

I finally purchased a bike seat.  I found it on craigslist…that site rocks but it was way cooler before it got so popular.  Once it hit mainstream, sure you could find more on it, it meant there were more people looking and more b.s.posts.  Nevertheless, I found a topeak bike seat that normally sells for close to $200 for $50 including rack.  I also found my last two jobs on craigslist so I’m not going to bash the site…just some of the people who use it.

Yesterday was my first day on the bike in a while. 

Cari and I both bought Trek mountain bikes when we lived in the city.  We used them often until we had the kiddies when we became busy with other stuff.  But we expected this year to definitely pick things up especially since E is now big enough to ride in a seat.  I would be pushing C in a jogging stroller while I rollerbladed.  And E would have been in the bike seat with Cari.

Oh, and why is it that your butt hurts so bad when you ride for the first time?  I went again today and I need some tylenol…now!  Yesterday I rode into LaGrange Park and today I went a little further; through countryside, into burr ridge, north through hinsdale, and then back through western springs and lagrange.  I love Hinsdale, btw…maybe some day.  It felt like 15 miles but it was more like 10.  It’s about time the weather here has turned around…it feels like summer…finally, but too bad it’s getting close to being over.

So with the purchase of the bike seat, that means that I’m going to be taking E for some rides.  She saw the seat the other day and then got super excited and when she came home yesterday as I had the seat on the bike.  She insisted we go for a ride.  The seat came without directions so I had to try a few times to get it on there right but I finally did. 

It’s not very easy to get her on there and hold the bike and all that at the same time.  The kick stand no longer holds both the bike and E in the seat so it’s necessary to hold onto it all time. 

This was also the first time I ever rode with a bike seat so I was a bit worried about falling, but we did fine.  We rode around the block a few times.  I would ask E, who is just 2 1/2, which way she wanted to go and she’d tell me “this way” or “that way”.  Mind you she’s behind me so I can’t tell which direction she wants to go.  So I’d say, do you want me to go left or right.  She would amazingly say one or the other and at the same time she would be pointing in that exact same direction.  She’s one smart kid.

Speaking of smart…

So there’s some e-mail blast Cari signed up for that I took over.  Just this week it lists what your child should be doing at this age and what you should expect in the months to come.  Maybe I’m a biased although I don’t think I am, but she’s well above all of the things she listed.  Today she drew a letter E and then a cross.  Her vocabulary is extraordinary.  She’s been speaking in full sentences for a while.  I love this little girl and can’t wait til C gets to this point too.