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A picnic table for the kids

A random neighbor stopped by the other day.   When we decided to move to the burbs, we should have focused on neighborhoods with young couples and kids, but instead we ended up in an area with mostly older couples.  This guy, however, had a couple of elementary school age girls.  We invited them over for a party or two before but they never came. 

So he stopped by the other day and asked if I had any use for a picnic table for the kids.   Sure.  I can’t pass up a free-bee.  But then he preceded to tell me the reason for him offering it to us.  He recently got divorced…oh yeah, that’s exactly the news that I want to hear about.  Why couldn’t he just say here’s a picnic table for you.  No, he had to throw his issues on my table too…because it must appear that I have room on my table for someone else’s grief!?