Slow Down * Enjoy Life Rotating Header Image


How long til one of them wakes up?

I feel like titling each one of these with a big sigh or phew!  Probably because the only time I actually have time to do this is the same time I need to let out a deep breath.

Today … kids up, bathed, dressed, fed (sort of), in the car, to dunkin donuts (fed some more), got gas, went to jewel, got home (i felt like i could have just kept driving if that meant the kids would sleep), put C down (that took 20 mins), did some dishes with E (she really enjoys it and didn’t get too wet this time … good thing because she’s dressed in what she’s wearing later today), fed her, made an appetizer with E with the stuff we picked up at jewel, E down for a nap, kitchen clean (sort of), a little food in me … and now sitting on the couch watching Wall-E (something about this cute, no-brain cartoon that makes me want to turn to that channel everytime it’s on tv).

The day started at 8:15 and it’s 1:15 right now. 

I should take a nap but the large coffee from dd isn’t going to allow that.  Besides, C will probably be up the second I fall asleep so why bother.

I had a couple crazy dreams lately (maybe just last night i can’t really remember).  One with Cari.  It was short but seemed so real.  Maybe it was partly because E was having a little dress up party with Cari’s clothes but the dream was about Cari getting dressed.  It seemed so real but at the same time made this whole situation so much more real.  And the 2nd was kind of freaky.  Without getting into the details the last thing I remember is C screaming, which of course woke me up instantly, but he wasn’t really screaming and it was just a dream.

There’s a letter from someone sitting on the counter.  A personal letter more than likely talking about the topic … yuck.  So now I need to find a time that I feel like getting upset on purpose … let’s just say it’s not high on my priority list.

Did the brookfield zoo lights yesterday.  Chilly but nice.  All the zoo animals (the majority anyways) were sleeping.  Finally saw the polar bear.  I’m not sure why that guy wasn’t out, this is their ideal weather isn’t it?  One of the kids we were with got sick and when she went home had a fever … oh man I don’t need or want that right now.  Let’s hope there wasn’t a whole lot of time for the illness to spread. 

In a couple hours we’re headed to a friends cookie-making party for the kids.  Cari would have been SO excited for this.  E is going to probably have a blast.


Monday is Cari’s birthday.  Another reminder…

Today some friends visited.  E had fun playing with them.  The first thing she asked was if they can play playdoe.  I think she’s been waiting for them to come over for a while.  It’s the first time she’s taken it out in a while but one of the first things she asked.

December can’t get over quick enough.  It’s like -20 degrees with the wind chill.  Hopefully this isn’t the norm this winter.  I can def do without these freezing temps

My tongue hurts.  Weird comment, I know.  I couldn’t figure out why.  Then I just went and licked another 150+ christmas envelops.  As soon as I started I realized why … the day before I licked some 100 other envelops.  About 250 cards sent or ready to go.  I need to go make some more cards because I still have more to send.  I’m crazy.

I have plenty of christmas shopping left to do.  I’ve went out twice but it’s not nearly enough.  I need to complete the kids.  I should be doing it now but I wanted to write something quick since I”ve been slacking a lot.  I think december is just too busy a month.

That pesty shadow

Recently I was informed that E doesn’t like that person who follows her around.  She happened to be referring to her shadow.  I don’t know whether to laugh or be concerned. 

On top of that she’s woken up during the night just about every day this past week.  A couple times it was because she went potty but the rest were for some unknown reason.  One night it was more of a scream than a cry.  It scared the shit out of me.  Normal?  Maybe.  I guess it could just be her imagination or dreams.  But is it more???

Of course I’m constantly concerned about how they/we are handling all this.  She is more and more aware each and every day.  Something traumatic happened to her just over 6 months ago.  Are these things at night related???  I wish I knew.  I wish I knew how to protect her from everything around her.

Shopping … during Christmas w/2 kids … YIKES!

At home all day with the kids is tough.  I would always tell Cari just to get out of the house.  It makes a difference but it’s no easy task to get them ready, into the car, and then actually take ’em somewhere.  Now I know.

So after realizing I left the stove on when smoke started to fill the house, I decided it was time to get outta here.

I needed to go to Costco anyways.  I ordered holiday cards and they weren’t going to be ready until this morning; a saturday a few weeks from x-mas.  I must be nuts deciding to do this today.  Shopping at this time of the year on the weekend is bad enough without trying to also manage two kids. 

However, some of those same people who would otherwise not open a door for you actually do it when you are pushing a couple kids in front of you.  Wow!  So maybe not ‘all’ people suck … just most of them.  There were definitely still plenty of ignorant asses out there.  Miserable people who could care less about everything and everyone around them.

C use to be horrible in the car.  For just about the first 4 months the car was the last place he wanted to be.  Now as soon as I put him in there he passes out.  Maybe 1 out of a 100 times he doesn’t but for the rest he just passes right out.  Thank goodness!!!  I wouldn’t mind switching some of that for naptime at the house.  It may make for a calm and quiet car ride but it doesn’t address my lack of sleep.

E actually spoke to someone at Costco.  A young girl with a brand new baby girl.  She wanted to know her name and after a little persuading actually asked.  I don’t mind her not talking to strangers but sometimes its nice to overcome her shyness.

So we went shopping; Costco, Chase, and Kohls.  Spent $170 on like 20 kids gifts at Kohl’s.  It felt like a deal but who knows. They don’t have that big a selection so I had to pick from what they had.  I think I did all right.   Plus I had 15% on top of any other discounts which ended today.  I had to use it, right???  And at Costco I picked up our holiday cards and did a little other shopping.  I don’t even want to say how many cards I bought.  But I figured I needed (wanted) to send one to everyone that has helped us out.  I probably need to buy 2x as many if I want to send to everyone.

Cari usually did the x-mas shopping.  This isn’t really for me.  I’m not one to go out and get all this stuff.  I barely have anything for the kiddies yet.  Some stuff but not enough.  This little shopping spree was for our friends’ kids.  I don’t even know what made me think of getting stuff 4 them but it’s a must do and Cari would have been all over that.


It’s not easy.

It’s not easy doing two at a time.  It’s probably not that bad but it definitely seems like it.

Probably because it demands 100% of my attention.  E is pretty much able to do anything by herself now.  The stairs, bath … whatever.  But C isn’t there yet.  Is it bad that I wish he was?  The last thing I want is for these kids to grow up. 

They actually seem to have fun in the tub together.  Much more than ever before.  So I should probably just step back and take a deep breath…something I need to do way more than not.