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February, 2021:

Winter 2021 Covid Edition

Birthdays were a little different this year.


A few family members visited. Others sent gifts via Amazon.  Still, some we didn’t see at Christmas time and still haven’t seen since.

I think everyone here has concerns.  It would certainly help if temperatures weren’t freezing and we could do something outside.

We do our best to stay healthy but especially since some family already had covid, an older family member actually died, others are exposed often due to where they work, and social distancing with certain families is limited, we have kept our distance.

The kids have small groups of friends but it still isn’t like times should be.

They are missing out on normal activities some of which may be more obvious to me while some more so to them.

8th grade graduation will be different.  6th grade end of year activities too.  Although I’m hopeful that by May things will be so near normal that they will be able to experience most of these things.

School is half day in, half day at home.  PE, Art, Music, things like those are not the same.  The basics like Math & Science though are the in school classes.

There’s a lot of push lately by a large majority of the parents but there’s a minority that is not in support of going back to school.

I’m sure the logistics of getting back into class won’t be easy.

I’d like the kids to be back full day but I don’t want them to be more stressed.  How will activities like lunch work out?  What if a group gets sick?  What if we get sick because of that?

Nevertheless we continue as best we can …

She’s taking weekly softball lessons and he and I practice baseball.  Dance for her is of less interest.  Summer camp at Loras is on the calendar.  She’s signed up for a spring softball season.  He’s scheduled for baseball and softball.  We’re missing out on floor hockey, big bummer.

We just picked High School classes and signed up for high school summer school … YIKES!  Four more short years and we’ll be planning for graduation.

It has snowed so much recently.  Some of the most I’ve seen locally in my lifetime.  I remember 2011 though, we had a lot then too.  But this is different.  12″ a couple weeks ago and at least another 12″ on top of that this past weekend.  There’s a ton out there.  It’s crazy though, we haven’t went sleddingt ice fishing, shot a pistol & shotgun, went snowshoeing and played some pond hockey.  He enjoyed it a ton, she, well, not as much.  But it was a fun weekend of new experiences.

That’s about it for now I think 🙂