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August, 2014:

Summer of Twenty 14 – Part 1

August 3rd and the summer is nearly over.

2 days in the 90’s so far, lots of days in the 80’s (lows in the high 50’s) days of fog and lots of rain

The garden is growing. Lots of zucchini, some cucumbers, green tomatoes (hopefully they’ll turn red soon), and some green onions.

The pea pods were a failure.  I planted them too close to each other and they grabbed onto each other and pulled each other back to the ground.

I might try a second planting.  Maybe

This week we head to MI with some friends.  Can’t wait!  It should be so much fun.  The kids are super excited.

We met a new family this week.  Did I say I love this neighborhood?  Sure there are some things I could go without (mainly drama between moms who want to be at the top of the perceived social circles – LAME).  But otherwise this place is great.  This family has a bunch of kids, some of them right around the ages of mine and the kids already get along so well.  That’s SO awesome!

We’ve got two loose teeth right now.  One went from just a little wiggly last night to i’m-probably-going-to-fall-out-now-and-the-tooth-fairy-better-be-ready status!  Hopefully the tooth fairy isn’t too busy and is ready to go!

This past Friday we had a very last minute random get-together with some friends.  There’s a festival this weekend just a couple blocks from the house and the band hairbangers ball was playing.  So much fun!

So I msg’d just about everyone I knew (hopefully I didn’t miss anyone) and about 30 adults and kids came over.  It was a lot of fun!  As usual with my get-togethers there was a chance of rain.  And not just rain this past Friday.  Torrential sporadic downpours lasting just a few minutes but dumping inches of rain.  It happened throughout the day but fortunately stayed away for the evening.  I was prepared though.  I set up a tent and plus we have the porch and the house so we were all good.

The kids could have just run up and down the block all day long but eventually we made it over to the fest.  They were in and out of the house.  In the backyard.  All over up and down the street!  But eventually we went to the fest and it was fun too.  GS was there with Baby J, plus some other family and friends.  E was dead set on going on this boat ride.  Not a kiddie ride.  The boat swings half way up one side and then swings to the other.  Somehow I was talked into the ride with our friends kids.  Yikes!  I asked E if she would go on again and her response was far from an immediate yet.  We stayed til the end of the fest, closed it down just like Mommy did so many nights in the city 😉  C slept until nearly 10:30 the next morning (it’s 8:50 sunday morning and the kids are still asleep, btw)

This summer the kids went to zoo camp at brookfield.  It seemed like they had fun.  They were able to go behind the scenes for things like the dolphin exhibit.  I’m not sure they’ll do it again but it was a good experience.  Then E went to a week (well just 3 days) at Park JrHS.  The class was about american girl doll; learning about their stories.  She wasn’t feeling well on day 4 so we skipped that class

Otherwise the summer has been relatively low key and has flown by.

I’d live to live somewhere warm, somewhere that’s not freezing half the year.  Maybe we’re just jaded after this past winter.  Maybe this next one will be okay.

The weather lately is crazy though.  We’re having an unusually wet summer.  Other areas of the country are in severe droughts.  Who knows what all this means.  I’m just hoping that it doesn’t mean very difficult challenges for the kids and future generations!

A couple weeks ago I took C and one of his friends and his dad to a cubs game.  It was his friends 1st cubs game.  It was such a good night.  Lots of cute pictures and the kids took a bunch of their own selfies.  We lasted until about the 6th inning / 9p and then headed back.  Their mom watched E … awesome family … again, loving this area!

Just hoping we can get in as much as we can in the next 3 weeks!!!!