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Milestone: C is for Clapping

On Saturday I noticed something new, C was clapping his hands.  I thought maybe it was something random but Sunday & Monday he kept clapping away.  The memory book has it listed as a milestone so that’s what it must be.  Go lil C.  Oh, the memory book.  That wasn’t really on my list of things to do before, but now it is.  I’ve been keeping up on dates but I need to get some more pix in there too.  And that reminds me, I need to get to the store and pick up some scrapbooks.  Cari was awesome at doing that.  I printed out the pictures but now I need to get ’em in a book.  I’m sure I’ll be able to find the time 😉

In the meantime, while C is clapping up a storm, E begged me to watch some video on the camera.  She’s a big fan of expensive technology.  She’s already mastered the digital camera so now it’s on to video. 

Digital camera’s are one thing…my video camera is another.  We’ve gone through three digital ones in as many years.  A single drop and they’re pretty much a loss.  So how different is it to put it in my daughters hands; it’s eventually going to break anyways.  Plus this olympus kind of sucks anyways (i wouldn’t recommend it).   On the other hand the canon we had, which we really liked, was dropped on carpet and stopped working immediately.  It’s just as much to fix the damn thing as it is to buy new.  I could throw a disposable across the room and it would still work, but not the $400 digital … wtf!  We were going to buy a new one b4 C was born but just didn’t have the xtra $$.

Anyways, so E is interested in watching our video.  I have more than 2 years of it…2+ years of memories, 2+ years of Cari.  I wish I had more but we only bought it right b4 E was born.

We’ve actually scanned through many of the videos over the past week.  But this weekend we came upon a particularly special one.  It was E two years ago almost to date.  Just about 7 months old and basically the same age as C today.  She was in the tub taking a bath with Mommy.  We watched the whole thing.  It wasn’t easy.  I’m so glad I have it, but it (they) is one of the toughest thing to do.  To relive the memory.  It was a good one though.  It also reminded me that it’s time to get the camera rollin for C.  So that night I took him and the camera into the bathroom and attempted to tape.  I think it turned out well.  But he’s new to sitting up on his own so keeping him from falling into the water while taping wasn’t that easy.  However, now that I think of it he’s never fallen over in the water but I’m always on edge waiting for it to happen. 

I was in the tub at first but then E insisted she come in too.  She climbed in herself, obviously no longer needing my assistance … YIKES!  I guess that means one more thing I need to worry about; getting into and out of the tub without me.  Before I had that protective barrier and knew she’d be in that same place…not any more though.  So now it’s E, C & me in the tub.  It’s a bigger tub but not that big.  I got some good footage while we were all in there but then I got out and was able to take some of the two of them together.  Super cute too! 

She’s an awesome big sister.  I imagine it’s extremely beneficial that they have each other.