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A new bedtime ritual

We’re attempting a new ritual anyways

Before our world got turned completely upside down, we had our bedtime rituals pretty much down pat.  Ever since though it’s been tough to get back into any sort of constant routine.  I really need one just so I can get some me time before I pass out from pure exhaustion

But I think we might be close

As long as we are at home I’m able to enforce some sort of normal series of events.  Here’s where we’re at.

When it’s dark outside, that means it’s time to start thinking about bed.  I don’t know how daylight savings is going to impact that though.  I haven’t been able to eliminate the bottle yet so I’m using it to instill this semi-consistent routine.  Before we get a bottle we must do a few things.  Brush our teeth and go potty (we’re trying our best to get on the potty).  And then we get to read 2-3 books at the same time as the bottle.  Every so often after putting E into bed I have to make up some excuse about something else I have to do in order to leave the room without much complaint.  However, when I finally leave she’s usually out within a few minutes. 

Hopefully this means we’re making a little progress.  Although I would give anything to go back to May 19th and put everything back to the way it was supposed to be.