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The Executive Suites

It has an amazing view.  The food and drinks were great…especially the desert cart.  And the people were fun and comforting at the same time. 

P8221485It was only the preseason so only the 1st couple of quarters mattered.  But they were promising to say the least.  Now again, it’s just the preseason but it was our 1st team against theirs.  Their defense couldn’t stop us and our defense stopped them.  The season couldn’t start soon enough.  JA promised me the super bowl so we’ll see!

It was cool to be in the suites to watch the game.  But the stands are really where the action is.  If the whole suite was filled with my friends, now that would be a different story.  But the stands are just insane.  You’ve got fans from both side of the ball so there’s always some rivalry out there too.  But the noise and the people out there make such a big difference.  It probably helps when it’s the regular season too.

That said, I don’t know if I’m going to be able to handle games this season.  I’m seriously contemplating skipping them all.  There’s way too many memories.  And this is way to fresh.  And I don’t want to be there with anyone but her.  As hard as it will be to skip the games and watch ’em from home, it will be a million times harder to be there without her trying to enjoy myself…that’s simply impossible.