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I choose … business ethics

If you quote me one price and less than two weeks later quote me a higher price, you’re not going to get my business.  Does it really cost this much to fill out some forms??? 

On top of that, everyone has a different opinion about what to do when it comes to estate planning … a will, a trust (revocable or irrevocable), a 529 plan … the list goes on.   I mean, I know what I want, is it too hard to just get a simple answer and for everyone to be on the same page??  It’s going to take [this lawyer] maybe 8 hours to fill out these forms and [the lawyer’s] hourly rate is some $250 so that’s going to be … $2000+.  WTF!  Should i just use legal zoom?  Can’t I just fill out these forms myself?  So, a trust is a little more complicated and perhaps incurs additional costs but a will for $950?  Legal zoom lists it’s price for a will and power of attorney at < $200.  And they’ll do a trust for ~ $200…so let me see, < $400 with legal zoom or $2000+ with a lawyer.  Hmmm!