Slow Down * Enjoy Life Rotating Header Image

Holidays are tough but…

…for me, sitting there watching my ‘lil girl chat up a storm and knowing that her mom won’t be around to experience this is even tougher.

The other holidays are certainly going to be hard…halloween, thanksgiving, her b-day, and christmas (for sure!).  But that’s kinda become the norm…every minute, every hour and every day are a challenge but somehow we’re making it through.

The weather on the 4th was blah, but it was nice on the 3rd & 5th.  She would have loved being on the boat with us on Friday, watching the grant park fireworks from the water, she would have absolutely loved it.  I can’t say the same thing for Maggie though as she’ll be taking some dramamine next time.  Even though the weather on the 4th was overcast, we still brought Ellie out to the beach.  The neighbors down the dock let her borrow a bucket and some shovels.  As I was about to take out the shovels I noticed something at the bottom of the bucket … a single dime.   How many times have we found a single dime sitting there in the most random of locations?  At the bottom of this sand toy of all places!   Is she really still here with us, in all these places?  I hope so, we hope so…really hope so.

We capped off the extended weekend at Jack Gibbon’s (the food was fantastic as usual … thanks Amy!) and it was great to see all the ladies and to show off both the kids for a bit.  The pretzel bread, those appetizers, the fat tire … we were full before the salads even came!