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We’ve seen more butterflies this summer than ever before.  I swear I see one every day and even though I haven’t kept count I’m sure I’ve seen more than 100.

At the beach a little over a month ago we saw the most beautiful yellow one.  And my mom told me yesterday that she saw a similar one in her backyard.  Just this past Friday one landed right in front of Carson.  They are always at my house and at her families house.  And then this past Saturday …

One landed right on my head.  A few minutes earlier it landed on my shoulder but my friend, who thought it was really random that a butterfly would land on someone, wasn’t prepared to take a picture. 

There just seems to be a little something special about these butterflies.  Maybe, maybe not, but there’s just something about them.  We think it’s Cari.  Someone, one of her sisters I think, told my daughter that each time she sees a butterfly that it’s Mommy.  And ever since then we’ve seen butterflies everywhere.  And then for one to land on me the other day … okay, sure it’s possible that it could just randomly happen like that … but still.

It makes me think of that one day last year.  Shortly after the accident, some family and I drove to my house before going into the neighboring town to pass out fliers for a town safety meeting (which was a result of her death).  We drove up to our house. The radio station her cousin had on was playing our wedding song.  Then, up above the car, in the tree in front of our house, was a single solid white dove.  I’ve never seen a white dove before and haven’t seen one since.  

So the dove, and these butterflies … well, I’ll take what I can get. 

I have pictures of her and I everywhere in the house.  And every day I pass by this one picture of Cari from our son’s baptism (which only happened a few weeks before we lost her).  I still cannot believe this is real.  I stare at that picture every day and think how impossible it is that this is completely real.

And then, while I was working on the computer on the patio today … another butterfly