CVSPHARMACY… what does that spell daddy?? So I tell her and then she asks what is that. I explain to her that it’s store and she eventually gets it. Then she randomly says this. And this is very random because she never sees this person but saw him this past weekend. “Uncle Billy says you need to go shopping, shopping, shopping”. He in fact said that to her but how she picked that up and thought about it today amazes me.
And then there was this…
Who is Donald Duck’s husband? I said, you mean wife right? She said no, husband. We went back and forth until she agreed with me. Then we talked about Mickey’s wife. Then we talked about mine. She said, I’m your wife. 🙂 But then we got on the topic of Mommy. She said, Mommy loves me so much. But then she said this. I want the angels to bring Mommy home (twice she said that). OMG!