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Remembering … a couple funny experiences

I drove into the city today and a couple random events popped into my head

Forever ago (well like 7 years maybe) we were riding our bikes back from the lake … through the old town triangle section of chicago.  I’m sure we were kind of riding in the middle of the street when someone drove towards us.  Maybe we were a little slow to get out of their way.  Whatever, right, we’re on the side street so as if it’s a big deal.  The guy, instead of spouting out a bunch of expletives, yelled “dork”.  Dork?  Who says dork?  Even more, who yells dork out their window in the city?   If the guy would have said anything else we never would have remembered the event but because he used the word dork we laughed about it often.

And then another time we were headed down Belmont leaving wrigleyville.   I was driving and Cari was riding shotgun.  I don’t know why she did this, but she rolled down her window and spit.  Well I guess she didn’t see the guy we just passed on his bike before we hit the stop light.  Needless-to-say the bike rider caught up to us at the same time she decided to spit out the window.  He wasn’t all too happy.  This time he used some words other than dork to express his feelings.