Another year …
I really didn’t think that something could stress me out more than a day of two extremely overtired whiny kids
But then came the ants
O M G ! ! ! ! ! !
I can’t stand them
A spider is one thing, a fly, even one of those silver fish bugs
Ok, I suppose a mouse would be worse
But ants are right up there with them
Primarily because there’s not just one of them but dozens
I probably killed 200 so far
And I’ve only been dealing with this for a week or so
I thought maybe it was some left out food but they just keep coming back
Tomorrow I’m calling a professional!
Tomorrow could also possibly be my last day with my client
I really don’t want it to be but I feel like that might happen
Even if it’s just sort of a time-out for me until they get their shit together
The subject line of an e-mail received earlier tonight “AdCenter What the #%&&”
Really none of this is directed at me, nor should it be
It’s just so not professional, non of what’s been going on is
His sales team SUCKS
And their failure is being taken out on the rest of us
Including this e-mail
I just have a feeling that things are going to blow up tomorrow
I’m already on the fence about leaving
However, I don’t have anything else set up yet so I’m going to have to figure that one out
But back to the subject of this post …
Last year a single flower on our rain plant bloomed on this very day
This year two of them bloomed together on the 15th, so it was a little early
But then today, a neighbor I only met yesterday, brought this over to us today
Really pretty
Now I need to figure out where to put it
This past Friday & Saturday we had our first garage sale
The whole thing was mostly so I would get motivated to clean up our garage and some other things around the house
When the house finally sold in December I just packed the leftover stuff into the garage
The garage sale helped unload some of that
The garage sale also introduced us to a number of neighbors we’d yet to meet
Unfortunately those introductions inevitably brought up “the” topic …. ugh!
The usual questions and usual answers … maybe I need to be a little more creative in my response
Oh well …
We did dinner tonight with some family members at the restaurant Cari worked at
It was nice to see some of her old co-workers and they were excited to see the kids
Even after the huge meal a few of us went out for ice cream
Not sure how we ate all that but I couldn’t promise the kids ice cream and not deliver
The place we went to, the plush horse, is good, a lot of people like it, but I’ll take our neighborhood ice cream store over it, and the kids agree
A couple of the family members unfortunately brought their petty bickering into what should have just been a nice dinner
“Thanks” for doing that … please grow up!!!
…. just had to vent a bit …
But otherwise it was really nice
The weekend weather was really just amazing too, really amazing
It was supposed to rain but that didn’t happen at all
Today the kids were out in the sprinkler, running around with the neighborhood kids, it was awesome to see
I really do like this neighborhood
There are so many kids on just this one block
I had a few friends around me growing up but nothing like this
We have 6 houses on our street and then a few around the corner
All but one has kids
And there are dozens of kids on neighboring blocks
Back to the garage sale …
I had the kids set up a lemonade stand during the garage sale Sat
A perfect day for a lemonade stand
With all the people walking around, who could pass up a couple cute kids offering up something to drink
Of course there was one weirdo who said he’d only buy it if it was still cold and then asked them to fill it up some more because I guess it wasn’t enough for him
Oh, and then there were those couple of ladies who showed up at 8:45a Sat (we opened at 9a). The one lady said something about stains on a couple pieces of clothes. I could tell they were chatting about me when they were leaving so I sarcastically told them to have a nice day. They came back with some b.s. about how much stuff had stains and won’t sell. I just told them to go back to their trailer park … bitches!
Anyways ….
So … another year
That really sucks
A lot of our friends sent me messages today
I tried to read them to Carolyn and couldn’t even get through most of them
They were a lot easier to read to myself than to read out loud to her
Here’s what they said …
Megan – “Thinking about you guys today and sending my love …. she is missed so much”
Allison – “Thinking of you guys today”
Jason & Kari – “Thinking about ya today” Roxie – “Lick lick”
Jen – “4 years later and I still always think about Cari. I hope you wrap yourself with warm memories of her. She always brings us the sunshine. This is SO her type of day”
Monica – “Thinking about you guys on this day. Instead of being sentimental lets remember when we had to buy you a new crockpot and how I can make a hot dog disappear”
Cornelia – “Just realized the date! I’m thinking of all ya!”
Michelle – “Just wanted to tell you thinking of you, the kids, the Stevens and of course Cari today. Hope you all spent this beautiful day together”
Brett – “Thinking about you and the kids brother. Love you guys”
Denise – “While we think of you often and know every day is just as hard as the next, just know we are thinking of you all a little bit more today. You’re strength over these years is nothing short of admirable. It’s another beautiful sunny day too. Hugs”
Amanda – “Thinking of you, the kiddos, family and most of all my friend Cari on another beautiful sunny May 19. Hopefully we are one year closer to thoughts of Cari bringing smiles to our faces first before tears.”
Matt K – “I’ve been thinking about you guys today. Planted some flowers today. The purple ones made me think of Cari”
Sara P – “Hugs to you”
So, another year
I can only imagine how much more amazing our life would be, enjoying each other and these two amazing little kids … TOGETHER
E gave me a huge hug for you tonight … like she does most every night 🙂